Member benefits

If you are a member of the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK), we offer you more favorable rental prices. All you need to do is enter your membership number when reserving a vehicle, and the discount will be automatically applied to the rental calculation!

- 15% off on vehicle rental service and all additional services offered
- 25% off the pre-authorization amount

If you are not a HAK member, visit the nearest Automobile Club and join to qualify for the discount!

More information at

HAK Rent a Car - Long term rent

Competitive prices, HAK Europe mobility guarantee, flexible contracts and much more
We are here for you to fulfill your wishes and needs!

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Start your adventure with HAK rent a car:

HAK Rent a car always provides absolute quality, service, safety and support.

Your every journey will be a true adventure.

Each segment of our offer was created to make your everyday life easier and turn all adversity into fun, relaxation and the adventure of a lifetime.